The Greater Southwest Historical Museum collections support the Museum's mission to collect, preserve, and interpret the social, cultural, and economic history of South-Central Oklahoma, with special emphasis on Ardmore and Carter County. Objects, photographs, artwork, and archival materials are categorized into three main collections:
The Permanent Collection contains items in reasonably good, complete, and original condition that fit the geographic and thematic limitations set by the mission and can be cared for in perpetuity. Especially important are objects for which there is documentation as to what the object is, how the object was used, who used it, and other details pertaining to its place within our mission. Historical significance of an object is enhanced if it can be shown to be associated in some manner with important and well-known periods, events, or individuals.
The Permanent Collection is maintained for research, educational, and exhibit purposes. Items are stored and exhibited under the strictest standards.
The Education Collection includes items that duplicate holdings in the Permanent Collection or are reproductions of period objects. Also, objects with clear history but in too poor condition to be accepted into the Permanent Collection can be included in the Education Collection.
This collection is maintained for support and research. It is intended for educational use in programs, exhibitions, and demonstrations. Items are stored and exhibited under less rigorous standards than those applied to the Permanent Collection.
The Reference Collection includes items intended specifically for the Genealogical and Research Library. These include books and archival materials pertaining to Oklahoma history, United States, or World history that would aid the research efforts of genealogists, scholars, or the public. This collection is maintained by the Carter County Genealogical Society.